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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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polling stations close in egypt after the country votes in the final stage of a referendum on the islamist drafted constitution that led to a month of violent protests and fierce clashes. thank moscow a step closer to banning all adoptions of russian children by americans the move has been triggered by a rising number of abuse cases and even some deaths. a and everything you don't want for christmas is festive shopping fever gathers pace you look at what gifts risk ending up in the garbage and very next day.
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three i'm in moscow. good to have you with us here on r t voting has wrapped up in egypt where people have gathered or a people have been gathering to cast ballots in the draft constitution that split the country and triggered monthlong protests the second and final stage of the referendum preceded by a fresh outbreak of violence in the country's second city alexandria journalist bel true is covering the vote in cairo. the million dollar question is of course how this will turn out in the first round it was seven fifty seven percent voted in support of the constitution and they said that this is most likely to be a yes vote in the second round this is because the seventeen governors going to vote are brutal governments governors with a strong mission brotherhoods base in them also three only three of the
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governorates actually voted against the muslim brotherhood in the presidential elections against probably president morsi people think analysts are saying is most likely to be a yes the opposition forces for their part to saying that there is many instances of electoral violations rights groups have also chimed in today releasing reports on the hour all the different electoral violations including missing ballots judges not supervising polling stations and ballots going missing this is led many to believe may be a vote rigging which would see a yes vote in the end the biggest news of the day however is the resignation of the vice president mohamed mickey this is largely seems to be perhaps because in the draft constitution as it currently stands there is no post for the vice president or the initial reason was given for his resignation many believe this is a strong sign from the presidency that they believe the constitution will be yes because his post does not exist here in cairo people are just waiting for the
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feeling is still very very tense here i mean the background to the violence the last month we saw quite violent scenes in alexandria egypt second city on friday between rival protest groups there is in support of the constitution and those against the constitution we saw it at seventy seven people injured in the police have to get involved with tear gas and of course the bloody scenes in front of the presidential palace about three weeks ago now which saw ten people die when those in support of the president clashed against those who are against the president's at the moment people are quite tense as they're waiting for the results of the referendum if it is a fact that yes we would like to see an escalation from the opposition forces which could see further violence on the streets. while a scanner a blogger and journalist in cairo explains why he doesn't support the constitution i did vote myself and i've voted no for the constitution and i think that the vote this vote is not about the constitution but about the legitimacy of the muslim
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brotherhood and the direction they've taken the country the constitution itself is very flawed it takes away more freedoms if it gives police powers to detain people or for more than twelve hours for twelve hours and cement the military role in egypt something unprecedented in all of egypt's constitution the numbers so far in the past results have indicated that this constitution will pass the amount of voting illegal irregularities confirm that and the regime is a is determined as well to to let the. more expert analysis on the situation in egypt as well as a timeline of recent protests and the most dramatic video is always a click away at r.t. dot com. five hundred dollars that's the price a u.s. marine will pay for urinating on the bodies of taliban insurgents the marine was demoted and his pay docked after admitting to the desecration that falls afoul of
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the geneva convention investigation was launched after the act was caught on video and posted online political activist david swanson thinks the sentence is too lenient and highlights how the u.s. military may have lost touch with reality in afghanistan. it's absurdly low it's insultingly low but so is the charge and i mean this is someone guilty of creating corpses of killing human beings who is then prosecuted for having desecrated them after the fact this is this is the problem with our culture of violence that we that we think we're going to civilized war that if we didn't cut off the fingers and you're an aid on the bodies then it would be ok so we have a long ways to go to get into to a better legal as well as moral understanding because americans like to think that their government must have some justification for what it does it builds the idea that it is folk a to occupy the nations of other people we had an incident this
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week in the united states of other former buzz soldier attacking a mosque to seek revenge for u.s. soldiers who had lost their lives of broad without stopping to understand that they were occupying someone else's country so. hatred for muslims for afghans for pakistanis in the united states it is it is the doing of the u.s. government and its occupations and its drone wars but the longer they go on on the more that ill will. and of course in the nations the not hide and being subjected to drone strikes that the case has again highlighted concerns over the u.s. continued presence in afghanistan but president obama says he's hoping to turn a page after naming senator john kerry as his next secretary. of anyone thinks kerry's a point man could lead to a less aggressive u.s. foreign policy where in fiscal crisis here and i think we're going to have to
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retract the cause of the empire as as we speak and i think no nothing was ever done about that maybe john kerry will change he probably won't change dramatically because i think the united states into the. the world and i just don't think we can do it financially and i don't even think it's desirable but i think you know we went into libya we went into we put more troops in afghanistan those were bad movies in my opinion so i think. you might you have a more dovish line coming from kerry than you did from hillary clinton. stay with us here on our team still ahead in the program the problems continue to mount for greece as of now four of the country's main banks looking for ways to stay afloat after posting massive losses we take a closer look at why plus. look in my fluke you can read i was minister of regional corporation minister of agriculture minister of housing and construction
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in the ministry of justice even how good those things tenuously these are real readies for elections and maybe rising concerns over the country's political process is that and more after a short break. it's perched atop a jaw drop and the view from the kremlin stretches as far as the i can see. for a city to all of siberia for centuries. it lost its economic importance even before it was bypassed but a chance a barren railway but the poles cremains a spiritual center. scenes like these are a yearly occurrence thousands of also docks worshippers dip them selves implicity will to commemorate the baptismal.
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in the fifteen eighties the russians had only just conquered siberia taking it from the muslims. surrounded by enemies to be their stronghold constructed on top of the city but soon enough it became an economic hub it was the oil of its time bringing in a third of all russia's state revenue put the ball scrimmage location head of the physical the russians the russian crowd a revolt against bizarre and eight hundred twenty five known as the decembrists were sent here in droves there they created a replica high society adopting the latest fashions as soon as they came out or at least once they made it from paris to siberia but the city also serves up some bit of irony for the russian royal family after the bolshevik revolution this is the
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office where the second spend most of the last year of his life his whole family had been exiled here they led a fairly comfortable existence this was a big house but they weren't allowed to see visitors or go outside themselves. ordinary normal countryside life style they even have. but within the year and his family would be dead. language. we can without any. truth to the consensus. choose the opinions that immigrate to. choose the stories that impact. choose. to.
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wealthy british sign on the. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert no holds barred look at the global financial headlines. welcome back thanks for staying with us here on r t eleven minutes past the hour now in moscow the lower house of parliament passed a bill banning u.s. citizens from adopting russian orphans the legislation is seen by many as a response to washington so-called magnitsky list which president putin describes
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as an anti russian law but the measure follows he says with american foster families resulting some of them in even the death of the child or he's got it she takes a look. the duction agreement that russia and the u.s. signed in of ember was designed to provide mechanisms of oversight correction children adopted by american families but moscow claims it is still being met with obstacles when it attempts to inquire on adopted children schoolgirls there are so many lies about the real conditions of children adopted by us parents when you have no idea of what's really going on the united states does not do follow ups once an adoption is finalized there is untold numbers of children that are enduring abuses that haven't been reported that haven't resulted in their get better just surviving the case of alan who was adopted from russia and she was placed in the home of the head a file she was discovered because of a
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a child pornography sting and she told reporters and such that she waited every day and kept praying and believing that somehow the adoption agency that placed her there would come back and check on her and she would have been able to tell them but nobody ever came much of the fury in moscow over the brutal treatment of adopted russian children has been driven by the leniency american judges have shown towards a number of abusers the adoptive father of two year old who may get a couple was acquitted after she forgot the boy his car for nine hours the toddler died of heat stroke the parents of russian born aceh craver have been released on bail after being convicted of involuntary manslaughter. botched the murder sentence even though investigators discovered that the child had suffered repeated beatings from his adoptive parents which left him with over eighty bruises and injuries of which twenty were to his head judges have also shown leniency in cases of abuse
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which did not result in the death of the child jessica beagley probation after she went on the popular show and bragged of how she disciplined her adopted russian child by systematically cramming hot sauce into his mouth and putting him under a cold shower russian officials say they were denied any access to another washroom for. who was allegedly abused by his foster parents according florida acquitted at a time when the adoption rate in russia itself is low the situation of u.s. adoptions seems even more dire the u.s. accounts for around a third of all foreign adoptions in russia and there are hundreds of successful cases each year with the latest developments over whether that good work can continue the argument that if there's the flight of chance for an orphan to find a happy home they should be given that chance is on doubt it just is indisputable seems the or given that there has to be more oversight over the well being. way
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things are now dozens of adopted children could be subject to abuse right at this moment and we may never find out in washington i'm going to check out. online for you right now your chance to own the luxury items that once belonged to a president this is somebody i was stupid to meet leaders possessions like expensive cars and millions of dollars worth of jewelry go under the hammer plus. defeat for the opponents of indefinite detention if you see the u.s. senate passes a controversial addition to the national defense authorization act all of that and more a click away at our. all
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four of the largest banks in greece lining up for a bailout boost after reporting huge losses this year together they'll need around twenty seven billion euros worth of loans to stay afloat the country's been relying on international bailout funds since two thousand and ten and as economists demetrius he says it's ordinary greeks who are bearing the brunt of the banks last . week and in the. released. from the troika the e.u. the i.m.f. and the e.c.b. and they are going to aid they're going to be part of the greek national debt which is going to be paid the greek taxpayer and forty thousand small businesses closing these student loans three hundred. thousand job losses total unemployment rate of twenty six percent so we have
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really. on the one hand or on the other hand the bank inability to provide liquidity for the market greece may be preparing for another year of painful tax cut for of painful cuts and tax hikes but for a wider outlook on where the global economy stands at the end of the year or two and into the kaiser report later this hour here on r t here's what you can find there. it's been five cents the beginning of the global financial collapse governments are eating their own debt vomit central banks are smoking their own belly button led an analyst still don't know whether we deflation. and cheery note christmas for many means a time to give gifts but some of them may might not make it to next christmas so
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think twice before purchasing that novelty gift if you don't want it to end up in the trash artie's polly boyko explains. most of us know the problem for someone celebrating off to the twentieth christmas buying a present can be perplexing there's nothing they need or don't own already to the invention of your humorous christmas present for example the christmas jumper what happens to these presents the day off the christmas the ever been given us a christmas present every christmas and easter them away on boxing day. for me give it away because i just about myself feel better and then there are the kids who give me an example of a useless christmas present you may have to say. i was given a call from work. you probably can't put it on so you can hear the other. a mug we overlay woman in a bikini when you pull the hot water and she becomes like it so the candy peels off
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what was that a nifty coat hanger and this is kind of hanging but it isn't given like chunks of christmas stuff that you just throw away on boxing day yes what was that going to be just so it's pretty heavily yeah we just bought some junk for christmas i think i might have just bought some junk for christmas. play on boxing day it's not actually a story christmas presents a way. for since before we came and so over stuff all the crap that we got given was. straight into the bin gives junk for christmas no useless presents sometimes yes to carry them last christmas absolutely not much to do with them. usually i just give them to my sister i have actually i've received coloring crayons a few years ago so they didn't last long and. i don't like other animals and i don't think i did anyway. so worried about the status of the planet say that the problem nowadays. i was on sale didn't have any pocket whatsoever that i designed
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to squeeze a montage of the recipient and then have been done booking day to day see and feel free to get to buy a present a case you'll be saving the environment while your assets. turning out of some other stories making headlines across the globe of suicide blast during a political rally in northwest pakistan and left nine dead and more than twenty wounded among the dead in the incident a provincial government official as well as his secretary a pakistani militant group linked to the taliban's claim responsibility for the attack. police in south dakota has clashed people injured demonstrators calling for six men to get the death penalty after they were accused of the gang rape and brutal beating of a twenty three year old strafe and google beating of a twenty three year old student prosecutors are seeking life in. and state security
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staff at the unity government's parliamentary building in belfast have intercepted five letters containing bullets is the latest incident in a bitter dispute over the city council's controversial ruling to limit the number of days the british flag is flown three of the politicians who have received death threats along to northern ireland's pro peace alliance party. for israel the new year will be followed with a new parliamentary vote after the government failed to agree on a new budget for many regular voting is the embodiment of democracy but the rapid turn or ministers and governments. overhaul the country's entire political missed overhaul sleeker has more. call us money as you know him back in my political career i was minister of regional cooperation minister of agriculture minister of housing and construction minister of immigration and option and minister of justice even held this post single tenuously but it doesn't mean i'm talented it is just
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shows that the system is so messed up. it's a system that's been in place since the founding of the state sixty four years ago it's seen thirty four governments in sixty four years that's a new israeli government almost every two years and a new minister just as often in the last twenty years there have been twenty interior ministers fourteen foreign ministers and fifteen justice ministers and now more and more israelis are saying enough and joining a movement to change the political system as. a young citizen ghost elections so many times you starts to lose the sense that this is a democracy not been nothing of the past ten years voter turnout has decreased from eighty to sixty four percent they want to be able. but reforming the system is unpopular and has created controversy this online campaign by local celebrities shows whenever someone tries to talk about it they're
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interrupted blah blah blah blah similar three motions are prime minister says he must call for elections because he can't pass the budget he's scared that his coalition members may bring down his government and we will act as if. we really say there's no problem with our system nasty critics say israel's multi-party system gives too much power to smaller parties. that we system here weakens the political center and gives a lot of power to the sick to all parties ultra-orthodox to reuters right wing extremists and so on and in fact the sooner it becomes a hostage to these marginal groups the reason new democracy there's more in the ritual crissy the minority rules over the majority. another problem is that because government ministers change so often they can't plan.
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today a minister in for an average of one year until he understands the position and creates a vision of the long term planning he's no longer there. is no longer the what many of these people want is a complete overhaul of the system but parliamentary elections slated for early next year israelis are bound to see yet another round of deal making between parties who make up the next coalition but they told us is running thin with latest figures suggesting more than half the population is unhappy with its government's performance points here r.t. tel aviv. as promised kaiser report still to come here on our team stay with us. in his secret laboratory tim curry was able to build a new most sophisticated robot which will unfortunately doesn't give
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a darn about anything tim's mission to teach me the creation and why it should care about humans and. this is why you should care only on the. morning news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are today.
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oh but. i let. them speak. to. her. which i. promised her. i. just said. it in the. mind of a little. girl.
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max kaiser welcome to the kaiser report it's been five years since the beginning of the global financial collapse governments are eating their own debt vomit central banks are smoking their own belly button lint and analyst still don't know whether we have deflation inflation hyperinflation stacy herbert max three we have crazy felicia and we're going to try to determine this will get a little bit closer to whether we have inflation deflation hyperinflation in this letter is laid down some of the fear out money fairy queens. but it is a funny little difference there the central banking revolution will end in disaster this is what money week says and there are of course talking to the complete abandonment of any inflation target remember for a few years there we've been pretending that central banks are independent that
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they are monitoring inflation trying to maintain the value of our currencies but ben bernanke has said he's going to keep rates at zero until unemployment is at six point five percent barry ritholtz has done the art on that he's done the chart on that and he reckons it's twenty eight until we get to six point five percent unemployment mark carney who's coming into here at the bank of england he says that he's going to start targeting nominal g.d.p. right barry ritholtz as an artist with the charts i should say but yes of course the problem with the global system is that they have the wrong model it's not that the banks stole billions it's not that they mourn or billions and committed massive fraud no doubt the model was wrong we were targeting the wrong thing so we're going to change the model and we're going to double down on fraud double down yeah i like that and now money week says that central banking my.


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